- Tailoring competition laws for state units
The Asian Age, November 22, 2014 - Curb inflation through competition reforms
Livemint, July 22, 2014 - Resolving patent wars through competition law
Financial Express, March 31, 2014 - Tailoring competition laws for state-owned enterprises
Financial Express, February 17, 2014 - Expediting National Competition Policy
Financial Express, January 27, 2014 - Build a compliance culture
Financial Express, November 22, 2013 - Singed by the potash cartel
The Hindu Business Line, September 18, 2013 - Proscribe pay-for-delay
Financial Express, September 16, 2013 - Flying in the face of the free market
Business Standard, July 30, 2013 - Why is business afraid of a more efficient competition law?
Financial Express, July 05, 2013 - Need for a realistic penalty regime
Financial Express, March 29, 2013 - The Competition Commission is not as bad as is portrayed
Financial Express, February 11, 2013 - India’s uneven playing fields
Business Standard, December 14, 2012 - PSUs cartelising in insurance?
Financial Express, November 06, 2012 - Should banking M&As come under the CCI?
Business Standard, October 10, 2012 - CCI needs to pull up its socks
The Financial Express, October 08, 2012 - CCI will remove policy hurdles that distort markets and hurt economic growth
Economic Times, September 20, 2012 - When even bread-makers are cartelizing
Financial Express, August 15, 2012 - Immiserising cartels
The News, Pakistan, August 12, 2012 - Global movement to raise awareness about cartels
Financial Express, Bangladesh, August 04, 2012 - Unhealthy abuse of dominance
Financial Express, July 09, 2012 - Inland water transport sector susceptible to anti-competitive practices
The Financial Express, Bangladesh, June 21, 2012 - Untangling Regulatory Overlaps
The Financial Express, June 19, 2012 - Parallel imports: trademarked vs copyrighted
The Financial Express, June 12, 2012 - Unlevel playing field is wasteful
The Financial Express, May 21, 2012 - Will RBI be a better judge for banking mergers?
Business Standard, May 09, 2012 - Cartels & Information Exchange
The Financial Express, May 02, 2012 - Coercion’s instrumental in sustaining cartels
The Financial Express, March 26, 2012 - Global problems & solutions
The Financial Express, January 13, 2012 - Cartelisation in water transport sector
Financial Express, December 29, 2011 - Consumers united
The Kathmandu Post, Nepal, December 06, 2011 - Consumers unite and say ‘no more’ to being exploited by cartels
Financial Express, Bangladesh, December 05, 2011 - Saying “no more” to cartels
The News, Pakistan, December 04, 2011 - Consumers unite against exploitation by cartels
l’ express Weekly [Friday 2 December 2011 • Insert N° 4 L’EXPRESS YOURSELF]
- Should dominant companies be split?
Financial Express, November 15, 2011 - Against abuse of pharma FDI
Financial Express, October 31, 2011 - Enough room for CCI in regulated sectors
Financial Express, October 29, 2011 - Trade associations as cartels
Financial Express, October 13, 2011 - How competition reform can check inflation
Business Standard, September 22, 2011 - Highway robbery by state transport companies
Financial Express, September 12, 2011 - Housing comes under heat
Financial Express, August 24, 2011 - Competitive neutrality in public policy
Business Standard, August 22, 2011 - An abuse of dominance
Financial Express, August 08, 2011 - Deconstructing The Merger Review Regime
Diplomatist, Volume III, Issue No 6, July 2011 - Making the case for NSE
The Financial Express, July 14, 2011 - Boycott has Two Faces
The Financial Express, June 18, 2011 - The Foreign M&A Domino Effect
Business Standard, June 03, 2011 - Watch out for collective abuse
The Financial Express, May 31, 2011 - Intimations of Insecurity
Financial Express, May 10, 2011l. - Merger Norms – Way to Economic Democracy
Business Standard, April 29, 2011 - A regulator for the fertiliser sector?
The Economic Times, April 13, 2011 - Should the CCI be Abolished?
Business Standard, April 6, 2011 - Not Exempt from Trouble
The Financial Express, India, April 01, 2011 - Hit Fertiliser Cartels with Alliances
The Economic Times, March 28, 2011 - CCI needs to think out of the box
The Financial Express, India, March 21, 2011 - Learning from the Onion Crisis
The Financial Express, India, February 17, 2011 - Stop road transport cartels, go competition
The Financial Express, India, January 10, 2011 - An Imperative for Promoting Inclusive Growth
The India Economy Review 2011, January 01, 2011 - Condemning air cargo cartels on World Competition Day
The Financial Express, Bangladesh, December 06, 2010 - Condemning cartels
The News, Pakistan, December 05, 2010 - Why we must bust those air cargo cartels
The Financial Express, India, December 01, 2010 - How to Bust those Cartels
The Financial Express, India, November 19, 2010 - Stop that Price Gouging
The Financial Express, India, October 12, 2010 - When doctors go downhill
The Financial Express, India, September 16, 2010 - Bust a Cartel, Gain a Friend
The Financial Express, India, August 31, 2010 - Competition policy: Costly neglect
The Economic Times, August 23, 2010 - Cartel on the wings
The Hindu Business Line, June 23, 2010 - Overseeing pharma mergers through competition lens?
The Financial Express, India, June 20, 2010 - Regulating Mergers is an Urgent Matter
The Financial Express, India, May 02, 2010 - CCI has a Role to Play in Bank Mergers
The Financial Express, India, January 10, 2010 - A Competition Policy for Growth
Economic Times, September 29, 2009 - Cartelisation: Blue Collar Corruption
Space for Transparency, September 24, 2009 - Abuse of Dominance and Monopolisation
Financial Express, September 22, 2009 - Corruption in market competition: collusion and cartels
Global Corruption Report, September 14, 2009 - Is UPA committed to competition?
The Economic Times, July 28, 2009 - We Can and We Should Do
The Economic Times, May 22, 2009 - When economy slows, cartelisation grows
Business Line, April 28, 2009 - Reforming corporate governance
The Economic Times, March 14, 2009 - Corporate governance cries out for reforms
The Financial Express, January 15, 2009 - Monopoly is a beast that rules by abusing fair trade
Shanghaidaily.com, June 23, 2008 - Tackling abuse of dominance by checking monopolies
Business Standard, June 21, 2008 - Cartelising inflation?
The Economic Times, June 14, 2008 - Cement cartel: Damning evidence, no action
The Economic Times, June 04, 2008 - Busting Cartels for development
The OECD Observer, May 28, 2008 - Competition policy and governance
The Financial Express, May 18, 2008 - Freeing farmers from intermediariesT
he Hindu Business Line, April 16, 2008 - M&As and Corporate India
The Economic Times, February 01, 2008 - Fair competition vigilance
The Financial Express, November 03, 2007 - Searching new laws to promote competition
The Economic Times, October 20, 2007 - Airline cartel fines could be better used
Financial Times, October 16, 2007 - Once opportunities arise
The Financial Express, October 03, 2007 - Customers as enemies…
The Economic Times, August 18, 2007 - Dealing with vested interests that mar competition
The Economic Times, June 28, 2007 - Cement cartels: flavour of the day
The Financial Express, June 10, 2007 - Vested interests mar sound competition policy
The Financial Express, May 27, 2007 - Useful, but not really so
Business Standard, March 23, 2007 - The invisible force that must not fail
The Financial Express, New Delhi, February 02, 2007 - Foster competition via law & policy
Economic Times, December 23, 2006 - Strengthening the competition culture
Business Line, August 11, 2006 - Farm growth via market regulation
The Economic Times, New Delhi, July 22, 2006 - Reforms need a competition policy framework
Business Line, June 06, 2006 - Hauling up cement and oil cartels
The Economic Times, May 23, 2006 - How to enhance growth and competitiveness
The Hindu Business Line, April 12, 2006 - A marriage, but conditions apply
The Economic Times, March 23, 2006 - Do M&As need to pass the competition test?
The Business Standard, February 08, 2006 - Competition Bill: still too many flaws
The Business Standard, January 07, 2006 - Does competition law help the poor?
The Economic Times, October 28, 2005 - Competition vs regulation — The best way forward
The Hindu Business Line, September 16, 2005 - Competition and the UPA regime
The Economic Times, August 19, 2005 - Defanging the Competition Act
The Business Standard, August 01, 2005 - Competition policy for 10% growth
The Economic Times, June 16, 2005 - Banking mergers and workers
The Economic Times, May 20, 2005 - India needs to go a long way
The Financial Express, India, April 05, 2005