Trade & Economic Issues

    • Reflections from the Frontline: Developing Country Negotiators in the WTO
      Co-authored with Atul Kaushik and Rashid S Kaukab, this book gives a substantive account of the evolution of the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations and the role of developing country coalitions and alliances. The reflections are those of former and current developing country negotiators on their first-hand experience of WTO negotiations. The sixteen chapters included in the publication provide a rich resume of increasing and more effective developing country participation in the WTO. Authors have brought to fore the twists and turns of the decade long Doha Round, often based on their own experience and perspectives. Such intimate insights are rarely found in the existing literature on the WTO negotiations. Authors have also offered suggestions to unlock the stalemate in the DDA and reach a balanced and development-friendly conclusion
      This book can be purchased at: Hard Back Book: Pp 400, Rs 1195/US$79, ISBN: 978-81-7188-926-6, 2012 Edition
    • Growth and Poverty: The Great Debate
      This volume is a collection of views on the debate on relationship between growth and poverty which happened over an Internet-based platform hosted by CUTS International. Many renowned experts from across the world participated with a diverse set of methodically reasoned opinions. This discussion has helped to bring to the fore certain striking aspects of the growth-poverty relationship in India but some of the issues discussed are equally relevant for the developing world as a whole.
      Pp 263, #1106, Rs 500/US$25, ISBN: 978-81-8257-149-5
    • Why was India’s Ecomark Unsuccessful?
      Ecolabels are believed to be an important market-based instrument to influence the behaviour of consumers and industries in favour of environmentally friendly products and thus contribute to environment conservation. The objective of this Research Report is to highlight the reasons why the Indian Ecomark Scheme has not succeeded as desired. Taking the various reasons into consideration, the report makes some vital recommendations as to how the Scheme could be revived, reinvigorated and implemented to benefit consumers, producers and the society at large.
      Pp 66, #0703, Rs 100/US$25, ISBN: 978-81-8257-084-9
    • Essays on the International Trading System – An Unfinished Journey, 2004
      This collection of essays presents a passionate analysis of the effectiveness of the international economic system and of how economics affects the everyday lives of people in developing countries. The book offers practical suggestions on how to benefit from globalisation, without undermining it. Advocates and opponents, negotiators and students, people from the North and the South alike will benefit from this reading.
      Published by Cameron May Ltd. and can be purchased at: ISBN: 1-87498-69-4
    • Bridging the Differences: Analyses of Five issues of the WTO Agenda, 2003
      This book of CUTS, co-edited with L Alan Winters, is a product of the project, EU-India Network on Trade and Development (EINTAD), launched about a year back at Brussels. CUTS and the University of Sussex are the lead partners in this project. The five issues discussed in the book are Investment, Competition Policy, Anti-dumping, Textiles & Clothing and Movement of Natural Persons. This book focuses on the pros and cons of a multilateral investment for cross-border investment activity.
      Pp 245, #0317, Rs 350/US$50, ISBN: 81-87222-92-1
    • WTO and India: An Agenda for Action in the Post Doha Scenario, 2002
      This book carries an interesting foreword by Jagdish Bhagwati. It is a compilation of articles covering the pre and post Doha analysis and the international as well as the domestic agenda for India on most important WTO issues. It will help many to understand the scenario and how we can turn the Doha Development Agenda into a truly development agenda. A useful and handy reference for readers providing them with a set of practical recommendations. More particularly for the civil servants, who are new to the Trade Policy Division in the Commerce Ministry.
      Pp 198, #0214, Rs 200/US$20, ISBN: 81-87222-60-3
    • ABC of the WTO
      This monograph is an attempt to inform the layperson about the WTO in a simple question-answer format. It is the second in our series covering WTO related issues and their implications for India. Its aim is to create an informed society through better public knowledge, and thus enhance transparency and accountability in the system of economic governance.
      Pp 25, #0213, Rs 50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-59-X
    • Globalisation and India: Myths and Realities
      This monograph, first in a series, co-authored with Purnima Purohit, is an attempt to examine the myths and realities so as to address some common fallacies about globalisation and raise peoples’ awareness on the potential benefits globalisation has to offer.
      English: Pp 32, #0105, Rs 30/US$5, ISBN: 81-87222-44-1
      Hindi: Pp 32, #0201, Rs 50, ISBN: 81-87222-53-0
    • Trade and ……..” Where Do We Go?
      This paper outlines the work which CUTS is engaged in the context of Linkages between trade and labour standards, and trade and environment. It speaks about the inequities of pushing for non-trade concerns into the trade regime and also about the myths and realities on the ground.
      Pp 15, March 2001
    • Environmental Conditions in International Trade
      This is a study on the impact on India’s exports in the area of Textiles and Garments, including Carpets, Leather and Leather Goods, and also in the area of Agricultural and Food Products, including Tea and Packaging, for the Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India.
      Pp 39, #9508, Rs 200/US$50, ISBN: 81–87222-04 –2
    • All About GATT – a consumers’ perspective
      This publication of CUTS helps in bringing out a primer on GATT hopes to fill a particular void. The GATT deliberations, undemocratic and unrepresentative of Third World interests as they are, merit little attention on the part of Indian intellectuals, more so since the plethora of media coverage has all the more confused the issue. Therefore, the ignorance pervading among the educated public can well be imagined. This paper is an attempt in the overall direction of creating a questioning society.
      Pp 56, #9301, Rs 30/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-068-9

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