- We Owe It To Maran For Success At Cancun
The Financial Express, November 25, 2003
“WTO is a necessary evil,” said Murasoli Maran as the Commerce Minister, who had acquired considerable skills on the complexity of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). - Doha Round: Moving A Mountain
The Financial Express, November 24, 2003
Investment was one of the causes of the failure of the September Cancun ministerial. It was one of the four Singapore issues, along with competition policy, trade facilitation and transparency in government procurement. - WTO Negotiations — Time to Give and Take
The Hindu Business Line, November 18, 2003
In international negotiations, one really does not know which way the road will turn. Therefore, opinions are often based on experience and perceptions, on which even experts differ. International negotiations are a matter of give and take. - Cancun Collapse: Opportunities and Threats
The Hindu Business Line, October 01, 2003
Can the developing countries sustain the solidarity they forged at Cancun? In that lies the answer to the future of the WTO and what it stands for — equitable trade. The developing countries can do it if they first start trading among themselves more. - The After Effects of Cancun
The Economic Times, September 20, 2003
The solidarity shown by the poor countries at the Cancun trade meet, which came as a surprise to many, is a genuine reason for pride in the developing world. It showed what can be achieved in a democratic institution. If only trade negotiations were truly a democratic business! - Support For G-21 Swelling, But European Union Still Remains Clueless
The Financial Express, September 13, 2003
Developed countries have spotted some clear differences between the two big developing countries – Brazil and India – on contentious agriculture issues. - Limited Negotiating Capital Must Be Used Judiciously
The Financial Express, September 08, 2003
Quite clearly, the rich countries would not like to see a failure at Cancun and will do everything possible to ensure that it succeeds. However, in pushing their own interests forward they would not give much in substance. - Bumps On The Road To Cancun
The Economic Times, September 06, 2003
The Cancun WTO ministerial agenda is again locked in controversies. Our own Doha agenda to get implementation issues resolved has been relegated in a sense. Luckily, the access to medicines debate has been resolved. - Approach Cancun With ’20 In Mind
The Financial Express, August 18, 2003
How we approach the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will be of crucial significance in this journey. As Cancun approaches, our commerce ministry is engaged in a last minute fire-fighting exercise. - Examining the Political Case for an Investment Agreement at the WTO
The Financial Express, August 12, 2003
As the D-Day for the Cancun Ministerial approaches, trade policy bureaucrats are very busy in formulating their respective negotiating positions.