- In Search of A Deal Maker at Cancun Round
The Financial Express, August 04, 2003
The EU’s continued persistence with launching negotiations on Singapore issues and objections by the US to a draft WTO agreement on access to essential medicines are giving many sleepless nights. In such a scenario, it is very difficult to predict what could be the possible dealmaker(s) at Cancun. - One More Chance For Farm Deal At Montreal Meet
The Financial Express, July 21, 2003
Agriculture has always been a ‘deal-maker’ or ‘deal-breaker’ for WTO talks. This was also the principal reason for the failure of Seattle. The US wanted deep cuts in farm subsidies but opposed efforts to cut peak US industrial tariffs or reform anti-dumping rules. - Will the Doha Agenda Move Forward After EU’S CAP Reforms?
The Financial Express, July 07, 2003
Why the euphoria over the decision to reform the much debated Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union? It is but a blip in trade semantics. Perhaps the decision to decouple subsidies from production would act as a disincentive for EU farmers to over-produce. - Shipwrecks On Mexico’s Shores
The Financial Express, June 24, 2003
The Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is quite a contentious idea, and far from a reality. Over the last 18 months, the rich countries have consistently shown that they are not willing to move forward on what were meant to be the preliminary stages of the negotiations. - WTO Falters Again On Market Access Deadline
The Financial Express, June 02, 2003
It is really a high time for the international community to take stock of the progress made since the inception of the WTO in 1995 and more particularly after the first Ministerial Conference, which was held at Singapore in 1996. - Success Of Cancun Ministerial Appears To Be Uncertain!
The Financial Express, May 12, 2003
Cancun is only five months away and it is only the implementation of the Doha Work Programme, which can bail out the trade talks from a possible debacle at Cancun. Nevertheless, there is some progress, which may result in resolving the current deadlock over the Doha round of trade negotiations. - WTO and the Blame Game
The Hindu Business Line, May 09, 2003
Never before has the world shrunk so much. Satellite television and the Internet have accelerated the process. Not many realise that globalisation is not the Frankenstein they imagine it to be, but a wave that can help the poor overcome poverty. - Doha To Cancun: It’s Too Early To Predict The Outcome
The Financial Express, May 05, 2003
No doubt, the Doha round of trade negotiation is in crisis, as we have failed to meet one deadline after another. But, it will be little unfair to arrive at any firm conclusion at this moment that Doha trade talks have failed or that Cancun would go the Seattle way. - Quid Pro Quo Between Movement of Natural Persons and Singapore Issues?
The Financial Express, March 24, 2003
It is necessary for India not to repeat the same mistakes that it committed in the pre-Doha period. At that time also, many experts felt that India could have easily identified common ground with the US on launching a new round, as the US was for a limited round and India was against it. - Now Agriculture on the Hot Seat, TRIPs and S&DT Pushed Behind
The Financial Express, March 06, 2003
Talks on TRIPs and Public Health failed; no consensus on S&DT; EU & Japan reject Harbinson’s draft on agriculture “modalities”; Tokyo Summit fails… Does anybody need further evidence for the poor progress of negotiations in the current Doha Round?