Economic Regulatory Issues

  • Growth and Equity: Essays in Honour of Pradeep Mehta
    When Pradeep Mehta founded Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) 30 years ago, issues such as consumer protection and welfare, trade and development and competition and economic regulation were still in their infancy: consumer activism was discernible but it lacked an analytical approach. CUTS, through an emphasis on both scholarly work and advocacy measures, embarked on a mission to promote social justice and equality but not at the expense of economic growth and development. It is this vision of a dynamic egalitarian society which has driven Pradeep’s work in several diverse economic policy domains such as international trade, investment, development, competition and consumer protection.
  • Supreme Court and the Indian Economy: A Story of Economic Impact of Six Landmark Cases of the Supreme Court
    As India looks to reopen and enhance economic recovery and growth,reforms are needed. In the post pandemic era, the economy and its constituents will need special attention, including from the courts. The Supreme Court has stepped up innovation, and the progressive approach overall is notable. By introducing e-filing, broadening the scope of technology in virtual courtrooms and remote hearings, and perhaps looking at additional opportunities for Artificial Intelligence to help the judiciary in non-decision making aspects, Indian courts are quickly adopting leading practices. And, extremely progressive decisions on a technology are helping the Court on-board future reform.
  • Comparative Study of Regulatory Framework in Infrastructure Sector – Lessons for India
    For the Indian economy to achieve and sustain a high growth rate, creation of quality infrastructure is critical. It is estimated that India needs more than a trillion dollars of investment in infrastructure. This Report focuses on how such a regime can be developed by studying international experience in infrastructure regulation. It assumes, as its operating premise, the need for a regulatory framework to be transparent, consistent, effective and independent of the government. The report analyses and compares the institutional and governance aspects of regulatory frameworks in seven countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the UK. On the basis of this comparison, lessons are identified for India.
    Pp 86, #1002, Rs 495/US$60, ISBN: 978-81-8257-131-0
    ISBN 978-81-8257-201-0
  • Creating Regulators is not the End, Key is the Regulatory Process
    The study reviews the regulatory environment existing in select developing countries in Asia and Africa. The seven countries surveyed – India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia (in Asia); and South Africa, Kenya and Zambia (in Africa) – have experienced regulation in different ways due to variations in their economies and stages of political development. The report takes stock of the evidence from select developing countries in Asia and Africa, in order to reach out to the governments in similar countries and show them the way forward in implementation of a sound regulatory regime.

    This book can be purchased at:
    Hard Back Book: Pp 352, Rs 995/US$50, ISBN: 978-81-8387-342-6

  • Politics Triumphs Economics? Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries (Volume II)
    This volume, second in the series, published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project is compilation of nine papers which were presented at the symposium marking the culmination of the research efforts of the 1st research cycle of CDRF. The research papers covered the experiences of a wide range of developing countries as seen mainly through the eyes of developing country authors. Importantly, rigorous analytical techniques were used to draw generalisable policy implications, which were later on also communicated to a vast and heterogeneous audience of stakeholders in a simplified form through policy briefs and online forums.
  • Politics Triumphs Economics? Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries (Volume I)
    This research volume has been published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project. A wide range of issues have been captured in the research volume – for instance, the political economy underlying the implementation and enforcement of competition and regulatory laws and regimes, barriers posed by vested interests to the free and fair functioning of competition and regulatory regimes and the often choppy relationship between competition enforcement agencies and regulators attributable to functional overlap which often delays decisions and is, therefore, detrimental to the welfare of any country.

    This book can be purchased at:
    Hard Back Book: Pp 468, Rs 1195/US$69.95, ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-725-5, 2009 Edition

  • Politics Trumps Economics – Lessons and experiences on competition and regulatory regimes from developing countries
    Co-authored with Manish Agarwal and V V Singh, this monograph suggests that mere adoption of regulatory laws is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to be part of the market reform agenda. Implementation is equally important. Most developing countries have adopted market-oriented reforms as part of the globalisation and liberalisation process but due to various reasons, distortions arise in the working of the market process.
    Pp 56, #0709, Rs 50/US$10, ISBN: 978-81-8257-087-0
  • Institutional Independence in India
    Co-authored with TCA Srinivas Raghavan, the discussion paper entitled, ‘Institutional Independence in India’, presents a comprehensive analysis of institutional independence in India, which would facilitate cross-disciplinary learning and identification of good and bad practices. The paper suggests that institutional independence should not be mistaken as an objective in itself, it should rather be seen as an important requisite for achieving desired effectiveness, economy, and efficiency in the system.
    Pp 42, #0617, Rs 100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-080-8
  • Capacity Building on Infrastructure Regulatory Issues (I and II edition)
    The role of civil society is critical in shaping regulatory capacity. It helps in resource mobilisation and experience sharing, which, in turn, helps regulatory agencies to form a strong platform from where they can build further. This document is intended to kick-start a debate among the stakeholders – the Government, regulatory bodies and civil society – to catalyse an appropriate regulatory environment in India.
    Pp 28, #0404, Rs 100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-020-4
  • Analyses of the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy
    This study not only provides information about the views of different countries on various issues being discussed at the working group on competition, but also informs them about the views of experts on competition concerns being discussed on the WTO platform and the possible direction these discussions would take place in near future. It also contains an analysis on the country’s presentations by CUTS.
    Pp 150, #9913, Rs 100/US$25, ISBN: 81-87222-33-6

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