- Should Competition Law & Policy be Blind to Equity? The Great Debate
The role of competition authorities is quite critical in ensuring equity while carving the path of growth in an economy. This volume is an attempt to present collection of views of competition practitioners and others from across the globe on linkages between growth and equity. The methodically reasoned opinions came in the form of debate on the issue of growth and equity and role of competition authorities, which happened over an e-discussion group ‘CompetitionOnlineForum’ hosted by CUTS International in 2013.
ISBN 978-81-8257-201-0 - Did we make any difference? Reforming Competition Law Regimes in the Developing World through the 7Up Programme
This report is an assessment of ‘7Up projects’ on competition law and policy issues undertaken in developing countries of Asia and Africa by CUTS over the period 2000-2010 aimed at empowering national stakeholders to stimulate the process of national competition reforms. Altogether 7Up projects have been challenging and exciting competition advocacy projects and the evaluation of their effectiveness undertaken by CUTS is both welcome and courageous. As we start reading this evaluation, that even in countries which have a long tradition in competition law enforcement, the development of competition institutions took a long time and the emergence of a competition culture is painfully slow. Towards this direction, CUTS has also triggered the African Competition Forum.
Hard Back Book: Pp 96, # #1201, ISBN 978-81-8257-161-7 - Evolution of Competition Laws and their Enforcement: A Political Economy Perspective
The book covers case studies of nine countries of differing sizes and at varying stages of economic development that have at one stage or another repealed extant competition laws for new ones, and seeks to examine the motivations and contexts under which this was done. The countries examined include the Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Ireland, Poland, Serbia, South Africa, Tanzania and the UK. Tracing the evolution of competition regimes in the countries covered, the book provides lessons for countries still in the process of forming their competition regimes. The contributions show that the road to strong competition regimes is seldom smooth, and that social, economic and political factors in the country hugely impact on the pace and effectiveness of competition reforms.This book can be purchased at:
Hard Back Book: Pp 222, £80, ISBN: 978-0-415-67213-9, 2012 Edition - Why Should Consumers be Interested in a Competition Law & Policy?
Competition is a process of economic rivalry between market players to attract customers. Fair competition benefits consumers and the economy. This paper aims at generating awareness that could be helpful for a common person to identify anti-competitive practices in the market place and seek action to rectify the same. It describes various facets of competition, deals with certain common myths about competition in the market and describes various types of hurdles to competition. The paper also carries several examples of competition action on commonly consumed goods and services in the form of real cases from across the world
Pp 56, #1010, Rs 200/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-135-8 - Politics Triumphs Economics? Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries (Volume II)
This volume, second in the series, published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project is compilation of nine papers which were presented at the symposium marking the culmination of the research efforts of the 1st research cycle of CDRF. The research papers covered the experiences of a wide range of developing countries as seen mainly through the eyes of developing country authors. Importantly, rigorous analytical techniques were used to draw generalisable policy implications, which were later on also communicated to a vast and heterogeneous audience of stakeholders in a simplified form through policy briefs and online forums. - Politics Triumphs Economics?
Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries (Volume I)
This research volume has been published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project. A wide range of issues have been captured in the research volume – for instance, the political economy underlying the implementation and enforcement of competition and regulatory laws and regimes, barriers posed by vested interests to the free and fair functioning of competition and regulatory regimes and the often choppy relationship between competition enforcement agencies and regulators attributable to functional overlap which often delays decisions and is, therefore, detrimental to the welfare of any country.This book can be purchased at:
Hard Back Book: Pp 468, Rs 1195/US$69.95, ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-725-5, 2009 Edition - Competition and Regulation in India, 2009 Leveraging Economic Growth Through Better Regulation
This volume, second in the series published under the project, “India Competition and Regulation Report – ICRR project”, explores issues relating to sector regulation pertaining to power, ports, higher education, agricultural markets and civil aviation besides dealing with the issue of ‘quality of regulation’. The report goes much beyond depicting the state of the world in the select sectors and tries to pinpoint the institutional and other root causes of sector regulation. The report is an important contribution towards enriching the available literature in the public domain and encourages a dialogue to promote a healthy and competitive environment as evolving an appropriate regulatory culture is always a learning curve.
Pp 192, #0902, Rs 395/US$50, ISBN: 978-81-8257-130-3 - Competition and Regulation in India, 2007
The research volume has been published under project, “India Competition and Regulation Report – ICRR project”. The report takes stock of the progress on the competition scenario in India and offers an insight on where we are and where we need to go. As part of the report, detailed sectoral studies of telecommunications, electricity and two social sectors, such as education and health, helps to illustrate the need for flexibility not just in analysis and also in implementation. One of the unique features of the report is an assessment of perception in the country though an competition perception index. The basic aim of the report is to encourage debate and dialogue on the economics of competition and regulation policy in India
Pp 252, #0715, Rs 285/US$25, ISBN: 978-81-8257-091-7 - Competition Regimes in the World – A Civil Society Report
This report is a compilation that maps out competition regimes around the world from the civil society perspective. It covers about 120 countries, including European Union (EU), which is a supra-national jurisdiction. Many countries covered in the report have a competition legislation in place, while there are others which do not have one, while some are in the process of adopting a competition regime. The publication is primarily based on the voluntary contributions of various International Network of Civil Society Organisations on Competition (INCSOC) members and other experts and practitioners.
Pp 670, May 2006, Rs 3000/US$150, ISBN: 81-8257-064-6 - Towards a Functional Competition Policy For India(Second Edition)
The study tracks the evolution of Competition Policy and Law in India; discusses the interface of Competition Policy with Government Policies (at the Federal as well as State level), and Consumer Welfare; and identifies competition and economic regulation issues in agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The report itself is published as two separate volumes. The second one is the present volume – a more detailed report, carrying all chapters in greater depth, and is meant for the policy community, particularly those involved in research. The report (in either format) will serve as a curtain raiser and as a road map for future work in still greater depth.This book can be purchased at:
Hard Back Book: Pp 294, Rs 995/US$79.95, ISBN: 81-7188-493-8, 2006 Edition - Towards a Functional Competition Policy For India – An Overview
The present volume is an Overview, which carries all papers in a precis form, so that a busy reader can go through them easily and get a flavour of what the issues are. The study helps in getting a better understanding of the competition scenario in India and will be useful to those who are interested in economic policies, in general, and competition policy, in particular.This book can be purchased at:
Pp 248, Rs 495/US$32.95, ISBN: 817188449-0 - Multilateral Competition Framework: In Need of a Fresh Approach
The issue of competition problems, both domestic and international is not new and is increasing as the world heads towards greater economic integration. This discussion paper identifies the relevant problems and issues, and suggests a way forward for international cooperation to deal with them. It suggests that a brand new organisation, dedicated solely to competition issues under the auspices of the UN, will be the most suitable.
Pp 68, #0506, Rs 100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-055-7 - Multilateralisation of Sovereignty: Proposals for Multilateral Frameworks for Investments
The paper co-authored with Raghav Narsalay analyses the past, present and future of investment liberalisation and regulation. It also contains an alternative draft International Agreement on Investment.
Pp 148, #9807, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-87222-14-X